
Fabrication process of Mo/Au TES at RT


We report on the fabrication details of TES based on Mo/Au bilayers. The Mo layer is deposited by radio frequency (RF) sputtering and capped with a sputter deposited thin Au protection layer. Afterwards, a second Au layer of suitable (lower) resistivity is deposited ex‐situ by e‐beam evaporation, until completion of the total desired Au thickness. The deposition was performed at room temperature (RT) on LPCVD Si3 N4 membranes. Such a deposition procedure is very reproducible and allow controlling the critical temperature (Tc) and normal electrical resistance (RN ) of the Mo/Au bilayer. The process is optimized to achieve low stress bilayers, thus avoiding the undesirable curvature of the membranes. Bilayers are patterned using photolithographic techniques and wet etching procedures. Mo superconducting paths are used to contact the Mo/Au bilayers, thus ensuring good electrical conductivity and thermal isolation. The entire fabrication process let to stable and reproducible sensors with required and tunable functional propertie

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