The seeding parameters of John Deere 1760 wing-fold drawn planter at different speed


Sowing is a key element of agricultural technology, since this operation is of crucial importance for the future development of plants. Sowing seeds evenly, at about the same distance, at the right time provides even germination and uniform crop which finally results in a better quality and higher yields. Out of the planters those are the maize-planting machines that represent the largest share, the ones that are able to sow not only maize but also other plants (e.g. sunflower) can also be planted in proper quality. The sowing parameters of the John Deere 1760 wing-fold drawn planter were examined at Hód-Mezőgazda Zrt. in Hódmezővásárhely. The sowing parameters of maize were analyzed from two aspects. First, we examined if the seeding rate influences the plant spacing per row and planting depth. On the other hand, how the method of the soil preparation affects the sowing parameters at the same speed of sowing

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