
WCSPH viscosity diffusion processes in vortex flows


The aim of this paper is to clarify the role played by the most commonly used viscous terms in simulating viscous laminar flows using the weakly compressible approach in the context of smooth particle hydrodynamics (WCSPH). To achieve this, Takeda et al. (Prog. Theor. Phys. 1994; 92(5):939–960), Morris et al. (J. Comput. Phys. 1997; 136:214–226) and Monaghan–Cleary–Gingold's (Appl. Math. Model. 1998; 22(12):981–993; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2005; 365:199–213) viscous terms will be analysed, discussing their origins, structures and conservation properties. Their performance will be monitored with canonical flows of which related viscosity phenomena are well understood, and in which boundary effects are not relevant. Following the validation process of three previously published examples, two vortex flows of engineering importance have been studied. First, an isolated Lamb–Oseen vortex evolution where viscous effects are dominant and second, a pair of co-rotating vortices in which viscous effects are combined with transport phenomena. The corresponding SPH solutions have been compared to finite-element numerical solutions. The SPH viscosity model's behaviour in modelling the viscosity related effects for these canonical flows is adequat

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