
Reduction of 4-ethylphenol concentration using lyophilized yeast biomasses as bioadsorbent: influence on the anthocyanin contents and chromatic parameters


A new investigation trend, based on the parietal adsorption activity showed by yeast cellwalls, opens up the possibility to use yeast lees or derived products like inactive dry yeast preparations to reduce 4-ethylphenol concentrations in wines. These type of natural products entails an interesting eco-friendly alternative to common physical treatments. In this work the bioadsorption capacity of 4-ethylphenol of different wine yeast biomasses have been studied -Saccharomyces cerevisiae G37 and Schizosaccharomyces pombe 936-, in order to diminish the negative impact on the sensorial profile of this type of compound (Figure 1). the repercussions of this palliative treatment over the chromatic properties and anthocyanin concentration have also been studied by means of UV-Vis and HPLC-PDAD/ESI-MS analysi

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