
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran dan Motivasi Berprestasi terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Ms Excel


This research was aimed to know the influence of learning outcome of students using direct learning model and the learning outcome of students using cooperative learning model – Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) type - on IF logic function. The method used in this research was quasi experiment with Non-equivalent control group design model. The research was held at XI-IA1 class ( using direct learning model) and XI-IA6 (using cooperative learning model type STAD). Choosing the two researched classes was based on random sampling technique. The research design used two way – anova. The instrument used was an objective test ( 7 items) which its validity and reliability had been tested. According to the data analysis, we knew that: (1) There was a different of the learning outcome between the students taught using direct learning model and the ones taught using cooperative learning model – type STAD. This conclusion was based on the result of the hypothesis testing to the two classes - post test score namely; thit 3.983 > ttabel 1.69 or (Fhit) 76.190 > 0.073 (sig.), at significant 0.05. (2) There was no different of the learning outcome between the students who had high achieving motivation and the ones had low one. This conclusion was shown by the result of the hypothesis testing, thit 0.259 < ttable 1.69 or (Fhit) 0.026 < 0.899 (sig.), at significant 0.05. (3) There was a correlation between a learning model and students\u27 achieving motivation. This conclusion was proved by the result of the probability testing Fhit 0.129 < Ftable 0.169, or Fhit 0.129 < 0.720(sig.) at significant 0.05

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