
Demanda y percepción del monitor de las personas mayores en la actividad física y deporte en España


Demand for and perception of instructors for seniors in physical activity and sport in Spain. This study examines the demand for sports instructors and the perception of these instructors’ efforts as a barrier by seniors over 64 years of age who do not engage in physical activity and sport, but would like to (latent demand) in Spain. the methodology consisted in a sectional survey applied to a statistically representative sample of seniors over 64 years of age in Spain. the results show that most seniors demand sports instructors and perceive their performance in class as not being a barrier to physical activity and sport; this was true of all the categories studied, including gender, age, social class and demographic size. the high degree of diversity in the demand for instructors by type of activity was also observed: sports organisations and nursing homes generate the greatest demand

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