
Characterization of laser-produced fast electron source for integrated simulation of fast ignition


Relativistic electron currents (∼ 10 kA µm−2) are produced by focusing an intense laser beam (I ≥ 1019W cm−2) on a solid target. Based on this mechanism, an original inertial confinement fusion scheme has been proposed which consists in heating the compressed deuterium-tritium core with a laser-produced electron beam. Experimentally the fast electron source is not well characterized and simulations of both electron generation and transport remain a difficult task. Generally, transport codes are used with a simplified fast electron source as initial condition. The fast electron spectrum is assumed to be exponential with an adjustable temperature, and the divergence is characterized by a dispersion angle. To verify these assumptions, we have performed a characterization of the laser-driven fast electron source by means of PIC simulations [1] in the cases of a planar foil and a double cone

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