Vištų linijų derinio Lohmann brown dėslumo ir kiaušinių kokybės analizė, naudojant lesalus papildytus žirniais ir nekrakmolo polisacharidus skaldančiais fermentais


This study aimed to determine the impact of peas and non-satrch polysaccharides degrading enzymes to laying hens consumption of feed, consumption of feed 1kg egg mass produced, productivity of laying hens, weight of egg, the height of albumen, Haf’s unit, yolk and albumen pH concentration, weight of yolk, the strength and thickness of an egg’s shell, the concentration of yolk cholesterol. The feeding experiment took 56 days and was performed on the 30 Lohmann Brown laying hensf 28 weeks old. Hens were divided into 3 groups of 10 hens in each. The control group of laying hens was fed compound feed and the I experimental groups was fed compound feed which had been inserted 20% peas and II experimental groups was fed compound feed which had been inserted 20% peas and non-starch polysaccharides degrading enzymes. Research was performed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, and subordinate legislations, the European Union directives and recommendations of the European Commission during this study, every day all the eggs were counted and weighted. There were counted the total weight of the eggs, monitored the contamination and quality points of eggs. Every 14 days was analyzed consumption of feed 1kg egg mass produced, measured egg weight, shell strength, the strength and thickness of an egg’s hull, shell index, the height of albumen, Haf’s unit, productivity of laying hens The results showed that peas and non-satrch polysaccharides to laying hens consumtion of feed had positive effect on laying hens productivity of fowl, because productivity of laying hensincreased 4%, feed conversation ratio increased 2%, average egg’s weight increased 4% compared to control group (p>0.05). Peas and non-starch polysaccharides degrading enzymes to laying hens not influence by feed consumption. Also peas and non-starch polysaccharides increased shell strength 6%, Haf’s unit 11%, height of albumen 12% compared to control group (p>0.05). The feed material mentioned above was not substantially affected for other egg quality indicators. The results showed that peas and non-starch polysaccharides degrading laying hens consumption of feed, eggs fatty acid profile compared to the control group didn’t change (p>0.05). The I and II experimental group of egg yolk total cholesterol increased 6% and 8%, compared to control group (p>0.05). The introduction of peas into the feedstuffs did not have a significant effect on the sensory properties of the eggs. In the second group, in which the enzyme was used, the protein hardness, yolk hardness and color intensity were increased. All remaining organoleptic parameters in the I and II study group were lower compared to control group

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