
A Multicultural Experience Boosted by Specialized European Master: A Real Approach to Internatioanl Project Management


When the Specialized Master in International Project Management started in Madrid in 2009, ESCP Europe, a high-level school of management with international scope, decided to reinforce the European institution and also to foster innovation sustaining a wide international partnership network. Students and executives came from around the world and the school offered them a model of Project Management which prepared them for the multicultural future where geographically dispersed projects teams must collaborate with a common goal. Created in 1988, this Master keeps evolving and is a truly international program with international students and a real methodological revolution in Project Management education including international seminaries and destinations in emerging countries: Either, India and China, or Brazil and Argentina. This Specialized Master makes significant use of inductive teaching methods and interactive activities (project simulations, case studies, business plan development, etc.). This guarantees the skills acquisition needed to work in multidisciplinary, international and multicultural teams. The teaching methods emphasize experimentation and simulation exercises including International Consultancy Projects which requests an intensive use of Information and Communications Technologies in order to enable the international experience

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