
Education for the sustainable development through fuzzy logic


The decision of the General Assembly of the United Nations to establish the period 2005-14 as the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development offers university groups committed to environmental education an opportunity to strengthen its teaching and research efforts, consolidating a model education whose main elements are in full harmony with the paradigm of sustainable development. The University, for its genuine social function, has the mission to contribute to the construction of progressively more sustainable societies, ie, more human, solidarity, equitable and fair. In this respect, and from the standpoint of curriculum design in engineering degrees, this work provides a new approach to introduce students to the project evaluation criteria, with special emphasis on the social impacts, environmental and economic development in the same local, regional or national level through the definition and identification of sustainability indicators evaluated using Fuzzy Logic. The use of this tool is justified by the management of incomplete, inaccurate and inconsistent information. This paper shows that there are benefits to society of the teaching evaluation of sustainable projects, the need for research on a model that allows using Fuzzy Logic to help make decisions on certain aspects of the social, economic or environmental impacts of a project and it is a simple tool to use for non-specialists. Thus, we propose a mathematical model that allows assessment of the social, economic and environmental sustainability of a project. The aim is to provide a mathematical model for integrated sustainability assessment in any action, setting, and for any scale. We talk about a support tool for making decisions, political decisions (political in the sense of what emerges from both public and private fields) or any other type of decision that take into account the sustainability (we cannot think about any not to be taken) and this should be supported, of course, on a technical/scientific ground. Keywords: Sustainable Development, social, economic or environmental impacts of a project in engineering degrees, Fuzzy Logic

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