
Manual for the application of the new European Fish Index - EFI+. A fish-based method to assess the ecological status of European running waters in support of the Water Framework Directive.


This manual describes the new European Fish Index – EFI+ - and its application software. The EFI+ software and manual have been developed within the EFI+ project. The EFI+ project was funded by the European Commission (EC) under the 6th Framework Programme, “Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development”, Key Action 1: Sustainable Management and Quality of Water of the European Commission (Specific Targeted Research Project FP6-2005-SSP-5-A, Task 4: Ecological status assessment – filling the gaps). In the year 2000, the EC adopted a new legislation, the Water Framework Directive (WFD). This new legislation, now implemented in 27 EU member countries, aims for good ecological conditions in all surface waters. Fishes are, for the first time, part of a European-wide monitoring network designed to assess the ecological status of running waters. Between 2001 and 2004 the EC funded the FAME project developed, evaluated and implemented new standardised fish-based methods to assess the ecological status of running waters in Europe (FP5, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Management. Key Action 1: Sustainable Management and Quality of Water, EVK1-CT-2001-00094, main output of the FAME project was the European Fish Index (EFI), the first standardised fish-based assessment method applicable across a wide range of European rivers. The EFI employs a number of environmental descriptors to predict biological reference conditions and then quantifies the deviation of the fish community structure from these reference conditions on a statistical basis. The EFI was developed mainly based on data from Western and Northern Europe and was calibrated against estimates of human pressures and impacts. Although a wide range of river types was included in the development of the EFI, some river types, e.g. very large rivers, were underrepresented. The EFI has now been tested by European countries within their national monitoring programmes and has been evaluated for use for reporting under the WFD. During this evaluation process a number of limitations were observed in the performance of the index. Therefore, the overall objective of the EFI+ project was to overcome the existing limitations of the EFI by developing a new, more accurate and pan-European fish index. The scientific and technological objectives were to (1) evaluate the applicability of the existing EFI and make necessary improvements in Central-Eastern Europe and Mediterranean ecoregions; (2) extend the scope of the existing EFI to cover large rivers; (3) analyse relationships between hydromorphological pressures (including continuity disruption) and fish assemblages to increase the accuracy of the EFI; (4) adapt the existing software to the requirements of the EFI+ to allow calculation of the ecological status for running waters. This manual is divided in two parts. Part I introduces the concepts and methods on which the EFI+ is based. This section gives an overview of the development of the new European Fish Index and its achievements to fulfil the objectives of the Water Framework Directive in terms of using fishes as indicators for assessing the ecological status of running waters. Part II is the instruction manual to the web-based software. It details the fish assemblage and environmental data required and the process for obtaining scores and classification of the ecological status of a sampling site (or set of sampling sites) using the EFI+ online software

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