
Country of Origin Dan Citra Merek: Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Beli Konsumen


. Nowadays, customer in Indonesia is very selective in selecting smartphone product, remember that many brands enters from several countries in the world. It cases the often changing of customer's buying interest for smartphone product. this study aims to know the impact of country of origin and brand image towards buying interest to smartphone. survey is conducted on 100 customers of PT Coolpad Electronic Indonesia that do buying on smartphone, with the type of study is descriptive and verification through multiple regression analysis. the finding result shows that country of origin has the positive relationship but it does not influence significantly towards buying interest, it is different with brand image. in smartphone industry, obviously country of origin from product is not noticed in Indonesia, it is different with brand image. this strategy is needed especially in Indonesia with full of brands from smartphone.Keywords. cuntry of origin; brand image; purchase intentio

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