


LARASATI AYU, The relationship Between Creativity Intelligence with the students of SMK PGRI 16 Jakarta. Thesis, Jakarta: Concentration in Accounting Education, Department of Economics Education, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, in 2016. The Purpose of this research is to find valid data and facts about the Relationship Between Intelligence and Creativity at SMK PGRI 16 Jakarta. This study uses survey method with quantitative approach because in this study the data taken in the form of figures and using statistical analysis. The population of this research is all students of SMK PGRI 16 Jakarta, with a population numbering 125 people inaccessibility of class XI students majoring in Accounting, Office Administration, and Marketing. The sample used in this research is 95 students. The sampling technique used was proportional random sample technique (proportional random sampling technique). Instruments used in the study were 40 item questionnaire form for Creativity variables. Intelligence measured using IQ tests based intelligence capabilities of students and the size is already determined. From the test requirements analysis, data is normal and linear. From the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the degree of relationship between variables is very low, seen from the results of simple correlation analysis where the R value of 0.120. The relations among the variables have the regression equation y = 140.65 + 0.1439 X. The conclusion of research shows that the variable X has a positive relationship to variable Y, but the test results analyst regression coefficients (F test) note that Fcount (1.358 <F table (3.94), meaning that H0 is accepted, it can be concluded that intelligence has no effect on creativity. In the regression coefficient analysis test (t test) note that t count (1.165) <t table (1.9858). In conclusion intelligence has no significant effect on creativity

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