


ERNAWATI. The Influence Working Capital To Profitability On The Indonesian Republic Employee Cooperation Of DKI Jakarta. Skripsi. Jakarta. Economic Education Study Program, Concentration in Accounting Education, Departement of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, 2013. This study aims to determine whether there is any influence working capital to profitability of Employee Cooperative Republic of Indonesia. Working capital in this study originated from the current assets. This Research was conducted at the Center for Employee Cooperative Republic of Indonesia which is located at Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No 18 Jakarta. The method used in this research is survey method with the correlation approach and use the data ex post facto. The population covered in this study was 35 Employee Cooperatives Republic of Indonesia, members of PKP-RI in 2010 and samples used are 32 cooperatives with using simple random technique. Analysis using simple linear regression equation and the result is Ŷ = 11,35 + 1,532X. To test the data analysis requirements of normality test error astimate of Y on X regression test was obtained L 4 o < L (0,134 < 0,157). This means that the normal distribution of data. In the linearity test result obtained regression Fo < Ft is 3,49 < 4,53 that can be concluded that the linear form of regression model. As for the significance tests obtained Fo > Ft is 6,38 > 4,17, indicating that the regression equation means (significance). Correlation coefficient test result using the Pearson Product Moment value obtained r t = 0,419, this means there is a positive relationship between working capital to profitability. From t-test caculations obtained t o > t t is 2,53 > 1,70 indicating a significant relationship (significance) between the variables X (working capital) with a variable Y (profitability). And this result of calculation of coefficient of determination values obtained 17,54%, which shows the amount of working capital contribution to profitability. From the results of this research has shown that there are positive and significant relationship (significance) between working capital with profitability

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