


DARMONO. Effectiveness of moduler learning to increase accounting study result of the XI grades of social science class in SMAN cibitung 1. Learning is activity to ease the learning process. Results of the study is skill,knowledge, attitudes and values that arising after learning process and very important for students because it will affect the results of graduation in national exams. This research purpose is to find out how effective of moduler learning to increase accounting study result of XI grades of social science class. Population of this research is all students who are on State Senior High School 1 Cibitung. From the population is taken a sample of about three class of social science class is determined by random that play a role as a experiment class, control class, and trial class. This research used a method of quation experiment with the approach of group static comparison is using class that already exist in school as subject of research. The sample is already determined were given different treatment between classes of XI IPS 1 as experiment class is given moduler learning and Class XI IPS 2 as control class that are not given moduler learning. Then experiment and control class given post test was formerly tested to the trial class is XI IPS 3. After done the trial and counted the validity of items with the formula rbiserial than 30 questions who is tested get 21 questions that is valid because there are 21 question there are rcalculate> 0.33. Reliability are counted with the formula KR-21 it has been calculated known r11> 0,70 which means instrument research in the form of a test it ' s reliable. Results of research post-test indicates that both of experiment and control class have a normal and homogeneous data because both of experiment and control class have X2calculate 2,75 and 5,29 it is smaller than X2table=7,81 and f calculate=1,50 < f table =1,68 so test z can done to know average study result of the class between experiment and a control class are identical or different. Data from the experiment and control class post-test get N 1 (eksperiment sample amount) = 41, N2 (control sample amount) = 43, s2 1 (varians of experiment) = 3,33, s22(varians of control) = 5,00, Y1(mean of experiment) = 16,62 dan Y2 (mean of control) =12,20. From data above can do z test and get z calculate= 9,96 dan Z table at siginificany degree 5% = 1,64 because z hitung > Ztabel That the average of 2 samples said to be different and moduler learning model said to be effective in increasing study result because experiment class that uses moduler learning got average higher study result than control class not use moduler learning

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