
El uso de los metadatos para el desarrollo de un modelo de interoperabilidad para las Infraestructuras de Datos = The use of metadata for the development of a model of interoperability for Spatial Data Infrastructures


RESUMEN Se propone un modelo de interoperabilidad basado en los metadatos para las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (IDE), un método para crear automáticamente metadatos y una metodología que permite analizar la interoperabilidad aportada por los mismos. Los metadatos son una pieza fundamental para las IDE; catalogan la información geográfica (IG), describen sus características, la calidad, las condiciones, etc. y permiten las funciones: localizar, evaluar, acceder y explotar la IG. La interoperabilidad es un objetivo esencial para que se comparta, coopere, comunique e intercambie IG en las IDE. La formulación de modelos de interoperabilidad permite analizar el comportamiento de los sistemas desde distintos enfoques o niveles. La carencia de modelos de interoperabilidad aplicados a las IDE, de estudios que analicen la interoperabilidad proporcionada por los metadatos y de métodos de creación automática de metadatos, constituyen los objetivos de investigación de esta tesis. El modelo de interoperabilidad propuesto para las IDE estudia los niveles definidos en los modelos aplicados a los sistemas de sistemas, por considerarlas un caso particular de ellos, y un nivel adicional para tratar los aspectos legales y de las organizaciones. En este contexto de los modelos de interoperabilidad basados en los metadatos, parece necesario disponer de un método original que facilite la creación automática de metadatos y de una metodología que permita analizar la interoperabilidad proporcionada por los mismos. El método propuesto para crear automáticamente metadatos estructura el proceso de compilación y tratamiento de la información, compone y almacena el metadato estandarizadamente y puede integrarse en los flujos de trabajo de la IG. El análisis de la interoperabilidad que proporcionan los metadatos ISO-19115 ha permitido interpretarlos desde un punto de vista alternativo al tradicional basado en funciones. La validación del modelo, mediante una encuesta a expertos, ha disipado la incertidumbre en torno a la subjetividad de la identificación de la interoperabilidad proporcionada por los metadatos. El análisis de la interoperabilidad potencial de un metadato ha permitido identificar los niveles favorecidos (semántico, dinámico y organizacional) y las carencias. Finalmente, el estudio de los metadatos que se crean automáticamente con el método propuesto, ha permitido conocer el potencial de interoperabilidad de los mismos y analizar si la creación automática satisface los requisitos de las organizaciones. ABSTRACT An interoperability model is proposed based on the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) metadata, as well as a method for automatic metadata creation and a methodology allowing analysis of the interoperability provided by them. Metadata constitute an essential piece for SDI‘s; they catalogue geographic information (GI), describe its characteristics, quality, conditions, etc, and their roles are: discovery, evaluation, access and exploitation of GI. Interoperability is an essential aim for GI to be shared, cooperated, communicated and exchanged in SDI‘s. The formulation of interoperability models allows analyzing system behaviour from different approaches or levels. The lack of interoperability models applied to SDI‘s, and the lack of studies analyzing the interoperability provided by metadata and of methods of automatic metadata creation constitute the research aims of this thesis. The proposed interoperability model for SDI‘s considers the levels defined in the models applied to the systems of systems since they are considered a specific case of those, and an additional level to deal with legal and organizational aspects. In the context of the metadata-based interoperability models, it seems necessary to possess an original method advancing the automatic metadata creation as well as a methodology allowing analysis of the interoperability provided by them. The proposed method to automatically create metadata organize the process of information compilation and handling, it composes and stores metadata in a standard fashion and may be integrated into GI workflows. The analysis of the interoperability provided by the ISO-19115 metadata has allowed their interpretation from an alternative viewpoint different than the traditional function-based approach. The validation of the model with the help of an expert survey has dispelled the uncertainty around the subjectivity of the interoperability identification provided by the metadata. The analysis of the potential interoperability of metadata has resulted in the identification of favoured levels (semantic, dynamic and organizational) as well as the deficiencies. Finally, the study of the automatically created metadata with the proposed method has enabled knowledge of their interoperability potential and clearing up whether automatic creation fulfils the requirements of institutions and organizations. An interoperability model is proposed based on the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) metadata, as well as a method for automatic metadata creation and a methodology allowing analysis of the interoperability provided by them. Metadata constitute an essential piece for SDI‘s; they catalogue geographic information (GI), describe its characteristics, quality, conditions, etc, and their roles are: discovery, evaluation, access and exploitation of GI. Interoperability is an essential aim for GI to be shared, cooperated, communicated and exchanged in SDI‘s. The formulation of interoperability models allows analyzing system behavior from different approaches or levels. The lack of interoperability models applied to SDI‘s, and the lack of studies analyzing the interoperability provided by metadata and of methods of automatic metadata creation constitute the research aims of this thesis. The proposed interoperability model for SDI‘s considers the levels defined in the models applied to the systems of systems since they are considered a specific case of those, and an additional level to deal with legal and organizational aspects. In the context of the metadata-based interoperability models, it seems necessary to possess an original method advancing the automatic metadata creation as well as a methodology allowing analysis of the interoperability provided by them. The proposed method to automatically create metadata organize the process of information compilation and handling, it composes and stores metadata in a standard fashion and may be integrated into GI workflows. The analysis of the interoperability provided by the ISO-19115 metadata has allowed their interpretation from an alternative viewpoint different than the traditional function-based approach. The validation of the model with the help of an expert survey has dispelled the uncertainty around the subjectivity of the interoperability identification provided by the metadata. The analysis of the potential interoperability of metadata has resulted in the identification of favored levels (semantic, dynamic and organizational) as well as the deficiencies. Finally, the study of the automatically created metadata with the proposed method has enabled knowledge of their interoperability potential and clearing up whether automatic creation fulfils the requirements of institutions and organizations

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