
Effects of non-unity Lewis numbers in diffusion Flames


The purpose of this work is to carry out direct numerícal simulations of diffusion controlled combustión with non-unity Lewis numbers for the reactants and producís, thus accounting for the düferential diífusion effects of the temperature and concentration fields. We use a formulation (Liñán (1991a)) based on combining the conservation equations in a way to elimínate the reaction terms similar to the method used by Burke and Schumann (1928) for unity Lewis numbers. We present calculations for an axisymmetric fuel jet and for a planar, time evolving mixing layer, leaving out the effects of thermal expansión and variations of the transport coefficients due to the heat reisase. Our results show that the front of the fíame sbifts toward the fuel or oxygen sides owing to the effect of the düferential diífusion and that the location of máximum temperature may not coincide with the fíame. The dependence of the distríbution of the reaction products on their Lewis number has been investigated

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