
Study of the source-detector system geometry using the MCNP-X code in the flowrate measurement with radioactive tracers


The use radioactive tracers for flow rate measurement is applied to a great variety of situations, however the accuracy of the technique is highly dependent of the adequate choice of the experimental measurement conditions.To measure flow rate of fluids in ducts partially filled, is necessary to measure the fluid flow velocity and the fluid height. The flow velocity can be measured with the cross correlation function and the fluid level, with a fluid level meter system. One of the error factors when measuring flow rate, is on the correct setting of the source-detector of the fluid level meter system. The goal of the present work is to establish by mean of MCNP-X code simulations the experimental parameters to measure the fluid level [3]. The experimental tests will be realized in a flow rate system of 10 mm of diameter of acrylic tube for water and oil as fluids. The radioactive tracer to be used is the 82Br and for the detection will be employed two 1” NaI(Tl) scintillator detectors, shielded with collimators of 0.5 cm and 1 cm of circular aperture diameter

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