Plasma polymers in the nanostructured and nanocomposite coatings


Title: Plasma polymers in the nanostructured and nanocomposite coatings Author: Artem Shelemin Department / Institute: Department of the Macromolecular Physics Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: Prof. RNDr. Hynek Biederman, DrSc. Abstract: The thesis represents the main results of my research work aimed to study nanostructured and nanocomposite films of plasma polymer. A few alternative experimental approaches were developed and investigated which ranged from low pressure (gas aggregation cluster sources and glancing angle deposition) to atmospheric pressure (dielectric barrier discharge and plasma jet) plasma processing. The metal/metal oxide Ti/TiOx, AlOx and plasma polymer SiOx(CH), Nylon 6,6 nanoparticles were prepared. The analysis of morphology of deposited plasma polymer coatings was performed by AFM and SEM. The chemical composition of films was studied by XPS and FTIR. Keywords: plasma polymer, nanoparticle, thin film, nanostructure

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