
Short communication: Study on epilithic diatoms in the Kozluk Creek (Arapgir-Malatya, Turkey)


Being the most important members of phytoplankton and phytobenthos, both of which are the primary producers of surface water resources, algae play a very important role in the biological productivity of waters with their oxygen production through photosynthesis and they synthesize the organic materials. Furthermore, with their high levels of protein, algae are used as human and animal food as well as being used in the production of organic fertilizers and organic vitamins. Another reason for algae currently being among the most researched organisms is their easy and inexpensive productions in culture media. With the recognition of the importance of algae in standing waters and streams, the number of studies conducted on these organisms has rapidly increased. In Turkey, the number of studies on algae in streamsis quite high [(Altuner and Gurbuz (1989), Altuner and Gurbuz (1991) Yıldız (1991) , Yildiz and Ozkiran (1994), Ertan and Morkoyunlu (1998), Sahin (1998), Cetin and Yavuz (2001), Solak et al. (2012), Sivaci and Dere (2007), Mumcu et al. (2009), Pala and Caglar (2008)]

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