L'Aggetivo ώγύγιος in Eschilo, Pers. 38


Aeschylus, in Pers. 38, uses the word ὠγύγιος in reference to Egyptian Thebes, not Boeotian; but the homonymy between the two Thebes has caused misunderstandings and speculations. The epithet gives the status of ?Old? at Thebes, i.e. the dignity of being honored and respected as the cradle of civilization. The word means ?worthy of honor? and is placed in a context full of Homeric reminiscences; so we need to restore the manuscripts? colometry. The adjective is in a prominent position because it is a key term of parodos. In the exodus the adjective refers to the city of Athens, not just ?enemy?, but finally ?Old? and ?worthy of honor?, just like Thebes at the beginning of the tragedy

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