
The response of Tilapia niloticus fed on different feeds composition


Ninety juveniles of Tilapia niloticus were fed on three different composed diets, the locally compounded feeds with fish meal inclusion, (control), the second treatment were fed on imported feed (2) and treatment (3) with locally compounded feed with feather meal inclusion. At the end of eight weeks, it was found out that fish under treatment (1) had the highest feed intake than those of treatment 2 and 3. The weight gained in treatment 2 was higher than 1 and 3. The survival rate were high in this experiment but the means were not significantly different (P>0.05). (The higher survival rates were attributable to the range of the physiochemical measurement). The Wight gained was attributed to the palatability of the floating nature of the feed. The treatment 3 had the lowest weight gained which might be due to the low palatability as a result of feather meal inclusion in the feed. The feed conversion ratio in treatment 2 was highest, subsequently followed by treatments 2 and 3 respectively

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