
Generalized quantum electrodynamics in the framework of Generalized BRST transformation


Podolsky's electromagnetism which explains some of unresolved problems of usual QED has been investigated in the framework of finite field dependent (FFBRST) BRST transformation. In this generalized QED (GQED), BRST invariant effective theories are written using generalized Lorenz gauge, (1+□mp2)∂μAμ=0(1+\frac{\Box }{m_p^2})\partial^\mu A_\mu=0 and no mixing gauge condition (1+□mp2)12 ∂μAμ=0(1+\frac{\Box }{m_p^2})^\frac{1}{2} \ \partial^\mu A_\mu=0, it contains higher order derivative terms. No Mixing gauge is free from UV divergences in the radiative correction and easier to handle. We construct appropriate FFBRST transformation to obtain generating functional in no mixing gauge from that of in Lorenz gauge. We show that all these BRST invariant effective theories in GQED are basically same and are inter-connected with appropriately constructed FFBRST transformations.Comment: 13 Pages, No fig

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