


日本の高度経済成長期に「ニュータウン」と呼ばれる新興住宅地が郊外地域で多数形成された.今日,ニュータウンの課題として住民の高齢化や空き区画の増加などが指摘され,ニュータウンの再開発や再生が求められている.そこで本研究は,土浦協同病院の移転によって発展が加速する茨城県土浦市おおつ野を対象に,ニュータウンの再開発について考察した.聞き取りおよびアンケート調査を実施して,おおつ野の開発史,土浦協同病院の移転経緯,住民のライフコースと日常生活の変化を明らかにする.茨城県南部におけるニュータウンは,バブル崩壊後の都心回帰の傾向が強まる中で,東京大都市圏の郊外としての機能が低下し,地方都市の郊外として戸建住宅の用地を供給する役割を持つように変化した.その結果,おおつ野では空き区画が増加したが,土浦協同病院の移転により,商業施設が立地し,生活環境が改善され,ニュータウンとしての再発展が始まった.New residential areas called "new towns" have developed in the suburbs of Tokyo, Japan, since the 1960s. These new towns are now faced with such problems as an increased elderly population and growing numbers of vacant lots, and redevelopment is required. This study examines the redevelopment of the new town in Otsuno District, Tsuchiura City, Ibaraki Prefecture, where the relocation of the Tsuchiura Kyodo General Hospital triggered a new residential development. Interviews and questionnaire surveys were conducted in order to clarify the development history of Otsuno District, the reason for relocation of the hospital, and the changes in daily life for the residents. The characteristics of the new town changed from that of a bedroom community of the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area into a commuter town of Southern Ibaraki Prefecture after the collapse of Japan\u27s overheated stock and real estate markets, leaving Otsuno District with many vacant lots immediately after the collapse. However, the new town has been redeveloped since the relocation of the Tsuchiura Kyodo General Hospital, and the living environment has improved

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