
Student Partnership in E-learning: the Development of Online Resources for Students by Students in Dentistry


Dentistry is a dynamic and ever changing specialty that has been strongly influenced by developments in technology and therefore our teaching strategies must evolve to keep pace with these changes. E-learning has become an integral part of the dental curriculum, with a marked increase in use over recent years. However dental students have up until now been the recipients rather than active participants in the development of dental e-learning resources. Bovill et al (2011) conclude that it is incumbent upon us to reconsider students' roles in their education and reposition students to take a more active part - as co- creators of teaching approaches, course design and curricula. In this paper the presenters will outline the design and product of a self- selected study module (SSM) offered to year five dental students in e-learning. The SSM offers the opportunity for students to work as small teams with the school learning technologist and academic staff to identify, design, develop and evaluate quality-assured e-learning objects. Each group (n=2) with the guidance and quality assurance of academic staff will create a resource that can be integrated within the current University of Glasgow BDS curriculum for future years. It will become a useful revision resource that will supplement the learning and teaching received elsewhere within the course and will be accessible to all dental students in Scotland via the Scottish Dental Education Online (SDEO) programme. The SSM provides the opportunity of student participation in learning with technology and designing aspects of the curriculum, and aligns with the University's Learning and Teaching strategic objective of building staff-student partnerships to promote student engagement with learning

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