
Effect Of Varying Dietary Protein, Lipid And Hufa Levels On Growth And Reproductive Performance Of Female Swordtail Xiphophorus Helleri [QL638.P73 L755 2007 f rb].


Ikan air tawar berkeupayaan mensintesis asid lemak sangat tidak tepu (HUFA) daripada asid lemak C18 poli tidak tepu (PUFA) yang biasanya didapati dalam diet yang mengandungi minyak sayuran untuk memenuhi keperluan nutrisi pertumbuhan ikan. Freshwater fish possess higher ability to biosynthesize highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) from C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) found in plant-based diets in fulfillment of the nutrient needed for growth and development

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