
Sistem Informasi Taman Pengasuhan Anak (SiTamPAn) Berbasis Web pada Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat


Information technology has grown rapidly enable everyone from the world can easily access the information they need in a short time, especially in the business world. Observations on Garden Child Informations System of the Ministry Public Works and Housing. System information contained in the landfill is still done manually, ranging from information, registration when parents enroll their children into the landfill to less monitor parents on children\u27s activities for parents working at the office, so that this information system allows during the process there was an error in the recording process and also the lack of accurate reports made as well as a very range limited. With this website, the information system on Garden Child Information System of the Ministry Public Works and Housing will become more effective, efficient and also facilitate parents to be able to work more optimally without having to worry about the situation of children abandoned by one parent against the run. Keywords: Information Systems, Park Childcare, Web

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