
The initiation to architectural analysis viewed by a group of architect teachers


Ponencia presentada a Session 4: Investigar los procesos de diseño: etnografías y análisis de dialogías sociales / Research through the design processes: etnographic and social dialogical perspectivesThis article is about a pedagogical experience in architecture workshop teaching first-year student? at the National School of architecture of Tunis (ENAU). It focuses, in particular, on the initiation of the student to the architectural analysis process which is a major step in his course. The present work is based on a comparative study between the statements of the exercises related to the topics studied in the workshop. This comparison covers a period of eight years of teaching for the same group of teachers, and deals with their conception of architectural analysis and their way to approaching this initiation to their students. For this purpose, the Group of teachers has implemented an analysis grid that serves, to guide students in their work, and provides a good understanding of the architectural analysis as a process and brain action summoning both the senses and the mind. For this, the Group of teachers made the choice that the parameters to be analyzed concern only the geometry and topology of architectural form levels. They built their grid of architectural analysis on the basis of a postulate stating that “an architectural project is a complex act”. Thus, they consider the architectural project as a whole composed of a multitude of elements; a unit that draws its essence from the plurality. They formulate this complexity by the following equation: [An architectural project = A = 1 unit = 1+1+1+1+1...] Where the (1) represents the components of the project and the (+), the relationships that binds them to each other

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