
Topologically Anosov plane homeomorphisms


This paper deals with classifying the dynamics of {\it Topologically Anosov} plane homeomorphisms. We prove that a Topologically Anosov homeomorphism f:R2R2f:\mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}^2 is conjugate to a homothety if it is the time one map of a flow. We also obtain results for the cases when the nonwandering set of ff reduces to a fixed point, or if there exists an open, connected, simply connected proper subset UU such that UInt(f(U))U \subset \mathrm{Int}(\overline {f(U)}), and such that n0fn(U)=R2 \cup_{n\geq 0} f^n (U)= \mathbb{R}^2. In the general case, we prove a structure theorem for the α\alpha-limits of orbits with empty ω\omega-limit (or the ω\omega-limits of orbits with empty α\alpha-limit), and we show that any basin of attraction (or repulsion) must be unbounded.Comment: 10 page

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