Claudin3 is localized outside the tight junctions in human carcinomas


Claudin3 is an integral component of the tight junction proteins in polarized epithelia. The expression of claudin3 was assessed in epithelial-derived tumors using Oncomine database. To determine the gene alteration during carcinogenesis, copy number alterations and mutations of claudin3 were evaluated using cBioPortal database. Claudin3 is overexpressed in several tumors including gynecological, bladder, breast and prostate carcinomas. 38% of the 163 evaluated studies show mutations and/or amplification of claudin3. 3D reconstruction of tissue samples following immunofluorescence analysis clearly demonstrated that, unlike in healthy tissues, claudin3 is mislocalized and unengaged in the formation of tight junction in tumor samples. These data strongly support the evaluation of unengaged claudin3 as a target for the development of novel diagnostic probes, optical approaches for real time detection of tumoral tissues during surgery, and target therapeutic drugs

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