
Feeding forages in the Fitzroy : A guide to profitable beef production in the Fitzroy River catchment


This guide brings together information on: • selection, agronomy and management of suitable forages • example forage yields across the Fitzroy River catchment • expected nutrient content of forages and their relationship to cattle performance • indicative cattle growth rates from a range of high quality forages • approaches to incorporating high quality forages into feed plans to give the best opportunity to achieve the target growth rates and liveweights required to meet market specifications • non-nutritional factors that can affect liveweight gain • example gross margin analysis at key sites across the catchment to provide objective comparisons of various forage options • spreadsheets to allow calculation of forage gross margins with the user’s own input variables • the effect of sown forages on the whole farm profitability • data collected from 24 producer co-operator forage sites across the Fitzroy River catchment during 2011–2014

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