
Jakuševac landfill sanation example


Potreba za brigom i zaštitom okoliša u današnje vrijeme postaje sve veća. Ljudi su postali svjesni koliko je bitno zaštititi i očuvati okoliš. Prva “stepenica“ u zaštiti okoliša je briga o otpadu i odlaganje otpada na uređenim odlagalištima tako da utjecaj i šteta za okoliš bude svedena na minimum. U radu se opisuje izgled saniranog odlagališta i pravilima njegove izvedbe. Sanirano odlagalište otpada ne predstavlja nikakvu opasnost za ljude koji žive u blizini,takvu činjenicu treba objasniti ljudima koji žive u blizini. Ljude bi trebalo educirati i skrenuti im pažnju koliko je bitno razvrstavati otpad, takvo ponašanje bi trebalo postati svakodnevno i prisutno u svim domaćinstvima. Mislim da ljudi u Hrvatskoj nisu dovoljno upućeni u važnost ovog problema i koliko je bitan utjecaj svakog pojedinca na zaštitu okoliša. Nedovoljno se u medijima govori o problematici otpada i smanjivanju istog. Sigurna sam da se od strane vlade RH pokrene pokret edukacije građana da bi rezultati bili puno bolji od stanja koje imamo danas. Nadam se da će u budućnosti više pažnje biti posvećeno odlaganju otpada!The need to keep our enviroment safe and clean is progressing on a daily bases. People are begining to realise the importance of environment protection. It is my belief that the first step in environmental protection is waste disposal. In order to do so it is very important to have clean and modern waste disposal sites in which all the dumping would provide minimum health and eco risks. In my papper I have been writing about landfills and what it takes to keep waste disposal in them safe, proficient, cheap and most importantly eco friendly. The safest landfills are the one's that provide different options of waste disposal such as waste recycling, incinerators, transfer stations or treatment plants. The key to my mission is education. Very few people are aware of ecology, waste management. In my opinion it is governments responsibility to provide options and information that are essential for our countrys eco sistem. It has come to my attention that every fifth person in this country knows what waste recycling is. It is our task to change and upgrade the knowledge of our children, friends, colleagues or neighbours but it is also important that our academic systems make the effort. The law should be a harsh regulator for everyone taking part in unauthorised and hazardous dumping which is becoming a rapid threat in our environment. The fact that there are many options of waste disposal is something that makes me happy. Energetic waste value, waste export, waste incinerators, underground storage, waste treatment plants, polymer waste recycling, lapse rates, overall recycling are just some of the options and tools for waste disposal. Not knowing anything about them is not an option because not knowing menas we do not care about our earth, country, health and life for that matter

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