University of Zagreb. Faculty of Science. Department of Biology.
Vidra ili euroazijska vidra (Lutra lutra L.) je grabežljivac koji se nalazi na samom vrhu hranidbene piramide. Važna je u uspostavi ravnoteže u vodenim ekosistemima, a zbog svoje karizmatične pojave služi kao krovna vrsta slatkovodnih ekosistema. Zbog visoke cijene njezina krzna čovjek ju je proganjao i zbog toga je u Hrvatskoj postala vrlo rijetka. Vidra se počela oporavljati otkako je nastupila zakonska zaštita i zabrana lova, a danas joj je najveća prijetnja fragmentacija, onečišćenje i gubitak staništa. Vidra je zakonom zaštićena u Republici Hrvatskoj. U ovom radu je kratko prikazana rasprostranjenost vidre na prostoru Hrvatske, kao i njezine osnovne karakteristike, važnost te ugroženost. Kako bi se vrsta što uspješnije zaštitila potrebno je provesti više istraživanja i provoditi praćenje stanja populacije.The Otter or the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra L.) is a predator that is located at the top of the food pyramid. Otter is important in establishing the balance of the aquatic ecosystems, and because of her charismatic appearance she acts as an “umbrella” species of freshwater ecosystems. Because of the high value of her fur she is often chased and killed by hunters and thus became very rare and endangered in Croatia. Recovery began when the prohibition of hunting and protection of species was established, and now her biggest threats are fragmentation, pollution and loss of habitat. In Croatia, otter is protected by law. In this work the diffusion of otter on Croatian territory is presented, as well as her basic characteristics, importance and conservation threats. It is necessary to make more research and implement monitoring of population so that the species can be better protected