Additional file 3: of Blockade of sustained tumor necrosis factor in a transgenic model of progressive autoimmune encephalomyelitis limits oligodendrocyte apoptosis and promotes oligodendrocyte maturation


OPC maturation and recruitment is not impaired in non-lesioned areas during progressive EAE in GFAPγR1Δ mice. Longitudinal spinal cord sections from WT and GFAPγR1Δ mice, treated with isotype control or anti-TNF mAb, were stained for OLG and OPC during acute (d19) and chronic (d30) EAE. A. Quantification of differentiated myelinating OLG (CC1+Olig2+) per square millimeter non-lesioned area. D. Quantification of OPCs (CC1−Olig2+) per square millimeter non-lesioned area. Data represent the mean ± SEM of five to seven separate fields per mouse with two to three mice per group from two independent experiments. P values were determined by Wilcoxon rank sum-test. GFAPγR1Δ in all panels represents GFAPγR1Δ mice treated with isotype control mAb. (TIF 153 kb

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