
Kiel Earth Institute (KEI): Forschung und Beratung im Spannungsfeld von Umwelt, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft : Abschlussbericht ; Förderzeitraum: 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2009 (kostenneutrale Verlängerung bis 31.3.2010)


The KEI is an initiative of the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. The KEI is working on interdisciplinary projects within the area of global change and global environmental change. It conducts research into the processes of change and the interactions between social, economic and natural systems with the aim of working out potential solutions for current and emerging problems. The KEI indentifies research questions, initiates research projects and promotes dialogue with the users. To accomplish this, it communicates with a broad spectrum of decision-makers and the general public. With the end of the start-up financing there are five ongoiong projects (research & application) with the KEI. All are dealing with different aspects of global change. Further projects and events are planned in the near future

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