Ts'ai Yuan-p'ei (1868-1940) and his contribution to modern education in China


The early years of the Republican period in China were so confused politically that those outside China failed to discern the intellectual and social changes talcing place within the country, and it is only recently that Western scholars have begun to take more notice of them. Doubtless, names such as Hu Shih and Lin Yutang are familiar to the West, especially America, where they received their higher education and lived for many year3. Hu Shih especially was known for his leadership of the literary revolution in China, and both he and Lin Yutang were connected with the New Culture Movement in China. But there were others who shared in this intellectual leadership in the 1920*8 and 1930’s, among whom were Ts’ai Yuan-p’ei, Ch’en Tu-hsiu, Li Ta-chao, Lu Hsun, Chou Tso-^en and Mao Tun, to name a few

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