
Geochemistry of cold seeps - Fluid sources and systematics


Emanation of fluids at cold seeps, mud volcanoes, and other types of submarine seepage structures is a typical phenomenon occurring at continental margins worldwide. They represent pathways along which volatiles and solutes are recycled from deeply buried sediments into the global ocean, and hence they may be considered as a potentially important link in global geochemical cycles. In this contribution we present geochemical data from various geological and tectonic settings such as the Gulf of Cadiz, the convergent margin off Central America, and/or the Black Sea and provide approaches how to systemize available data sets. Clay-mineral dewatering plays a central role in terms of fluid-mobilization from greater depth, however, resulting cold seep fluids are typically very different from each other and cover a large range of geochemical signatures. This is is due to variations in control parameters such as the type and thickness of the sediment cover, thermal conditions, extension of fluid pathways, and the potential for secondary overprinting. For example, freshened fluids emanating at cold seeps off Costa Rica indicate dewatering and related geochemical reactions in subducting sediments, while fluids sampled at mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz provide evidence for a high-temperature fluid source originating in the underlying oceanic basement. The latter finding provides evidence for a hydrological connection between buried oceanic crust and the water column even at old crustal ages. Varius geochemical tracers were proposed in the past to decipher relevant processes in the subsurface. In a recent systematic study, Scholz et al. [1] demonstrated the general use of Li, reflecting the temperature-dependent isotope fractionation during early diagenetic Li uptake and burial diagenetic Li release from sediments. However, additional approaches are required in order to provide robust geochmical interpretations of cold seep fluids

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