ASEAN in a changing Pacific and world economy


This book includes papers and summaries of discussion at the Tenth Pacific Trade and Development Conference, held at the Australian National University in Canberra in 1979. The theme of the Conference, ASEAN in a Changing Pacific and World Economy, had been chosen in recognition of the emergence of ASEAN as a major influence on regional and world economic relations. The contributors to the volume are leading scholars of international economics in each of the five ASEAN countries, Australia, Japan, the United States, Canada and the People's Republic of China. The book ranges over relevant issues in the theory of international trade, economic integration and economic development; foreign trade, and industrialisation in the development of each of the five ASEAN economies; the progress of economic cooperation within the framework of ASEAN; and the comparative experience with regional economic cooperation in other regions of the developing world. There are chapters on various major issues in ASEAN's emerging foreign economic relations: the 'common approach' to foreign economic relations; ASEAN experience with Japanese and American foreign investment; the immense and multi faceted relationship between the ASEAN countries and Japan; the significance of recent changes in the People's Republic of China{u2019}s foreign economic policy for economic development in ASEAN; the prospects of export-oriented industrialisation in the ASEAN economies at a time when protectionist policies are in vogue in the advanced industrial countries; and the likely future place of ASEAN in world trade through periods of rapid change in Western Pacific countries' resources endowments and comparative advantage

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