
Communication: Efficient counterpoise corrections by a perturbative approach


We investigate the use of Hartree-Fock and density functional perturbative corrections for estimating the counterpoise correction (CPC) for interaction energies at the self-consistent field level. We test our approach using several popular basis sets on the S22 set of weakly bound systems, which can exhibit large basis set superposition errors. Our results show that the perturbative approaches typically recover over 95% of the CPC and can be up to twelve times faster to compute than the conventional methods and therefore provide an attractive alternative to calculating CPCs in the conventional way.P.M.W.G. thanks the Australian Research Council for funding (Grant Nos. DP0984806 and DP1094170) and APAC for a generous allocation of supercomputer resources. J.D. thanks the ANU/RSC for a PhD scholarship

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