
A conceptual modelling framework for Integrated catchment management of salinity


Integrated Catchment Management for salinity is currently a central area of policy concern in Australia. The realisation by politicians and policy makers of the costs and importance of salinity has led to major policy initiatives and spending plans. These focus on the management of catchments as an integrated whole by Catchment Management Boards or Authorities or other bodies depending on State. In New South Wales, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission and the NSW government have initiated a project to support integrated catchment management in the Lachlan and Macquarie catchments (TARGET). This will involve cooperative work by Department of land and Water Conservation (NSW) and the Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management Centre (iCAM) at ANU. iCAM will be responsible for developing a conceptual framework for integrated catchment management involving development of producer profiles, Regional Integrated Management Information Systems and multiperiod models integrating land use, hydrology and salinity management on a land management unit basis within catchments. This paper describes possible modelling approaches to support Integrated Catchment Modelling and presents an outline of the approach planned for TARGET. Future papers will describe progress of the model through to application and regular use in the Lachlan and Macquarie catchments

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