
Kütüphane Binaları: Deprem ve Diğer Afetlere Hazırlık.


Disasters are the events which have negative effects on the life. They might be resulted from natural causes or people’s activities. İt is possible to prepare people for the disasters before their occurrence. The work which should be done before and after a disaster is examined in “Disaster Managernent System”. Libraries are used by number of the people. Therefore, they should provide safety requirements. This paper aims to take an attention to the importance of prepare the library buildings for the possible disasters and the responsibilities of the people who are involved in the life of the building during the design, construction and use stages. During the design stage of a library building topographic characteristics, structural system, materials, workmanship and several systems are considered in terms of safety. The construction of the building should be done in accordance with the design. During the use stage of the building the responsibilities of all users from staff to readers should be determined and distributed in written form. Thus, every library building should have a disaster management plan in advance. İn this paper, first the types of the disasters are briefly mentioned, then the actions before and after a disaster are examined in general, the characteristics of a disaster’ plan for a library building are identifled, and the necessary precautions to avoid the negative effects of the disaster are reconımended. Although the ali types of disasters are generaliy mentioned at the beginning of the paper, the subject is taken into consideration in terms of earthquake because of being risk in every region of Turkey. As a result, it is stated that the awareness of personal and institutional responsibilities and the application of the determined disaster plan are effective to increase the productivity of the library staffbecause of having a feeling that they work in a safe environnıent

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