
La Biblioteca Virtual de Derecho Aragonés, un proyecto tecnológico en marcha


We describe the Biblioteca Virtual de Derecho Aragonés project, its chronological and thematic scope, the scientific team that conducted it and the institutional support received by the project. The production of the first digital disk edition in 2003, related to the Civil Law, and the online edition that also incorporates public law is outlined. The characteristics of the information system and the OAI-PMH repository are described, as well as the various harvesters as OAIster, Europeana, Hispanic that aggregate its content. The output of documents in MOBI and ePub formats is analysed, and finally the future plans for the database, such as the OCR following ALTO for 300,000 pages of old printed books, the application of SKOS for organizing content, the creation of a harvester to collect information on Civil and Public Law and measures of long-term digital preservation as the OAIS model are mentioned

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