
Analysis of the scientific field of physical chemistry of surfactants with the unified scienctometric model. Fit of relational and activity indicators.


By the information system of CoPalRed© and with the treatment of 63,543 bibliographical references of scientific articles, the field of surfactants has been analysed in the light of the Unified Scientometric Model. It was found that the distributions of actors (countries, centres, and research laboratories, journals, researchers, key words of documents) fit Zif s Unified Law better than the Zipf-Mandelbrot Law. The model showed an especially good fit for relational indicators such as density and centrality. Using the Unified Bradford Law, the three zones fit were: core, straight fraction, and Groos droop. The fractality index was used to verify that Science can present fractal as well as transfractal structures. In conclusion, the Unified Scientometric Model is, for its flexibility and its integrating capacity, an appropriate model for representing Science, joining nonrelational with relational Scientometrics under the same paradigm

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