
Hongos ambientales en una biblioteca: un año de estudio


The article analises the fungi present in a scientific library located at an investigation center (which works with microorganisms), in Tucumán, Argentina, since February 2000 to January 2001. It identified 33 genera, bisedes ferments and classified fungi like Mycelia sterilia and Basidiomyctes. The most frequent genera were: Cladosporium sp. (30.1%), Fusarium sp (8.6%), Alternaria sp. (8.4%), Acremonium sp. (6.4%) and Aspergillus sp. (5.5%). The highest ammount of fungic spores was observated in Octobre since the minimum was in July. The temperature ranged between 16.5 C and 28.5 C. The genre Cladosporium sp. was isolated in all the months under study. This genre predominted in February(19.6%), together with Alternaria sp., May (29.6%), June (35.7%), July (33.3%), August (40%), September (27.5%) and Octobre (51.3%), while Acremonium sp. predominated March (26.5%), Ceratosporium sp. in April (20.4%) and Basidiomycetes in November (17.6%). Besides, Alternaria sp. was most aboundant in December (20%) and January (35.9%). Despite having used an non volumentric sample, the study provides usefull information about the incidence of environmetal fungi at the library under study. Knowing that its presence is unquestionable and difficult of erradicate, further invetigations are needed to examinate the effects of exposing to it over the health

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