
El impacto de la información electrónica en la configuración del catálogo


The outstanding role of the catalogue to manage the information sources that compose the library collection in the academic libraries framework is justified. On the one hand, the need of incorporating the digital collection in the catalogue is made clear. The webopac becomes the integrator element of the different resources that the library offers (physical collection and virtual collection). Other alternative methods, databases and resources lists, for accessing the electronic information products existing in libraries of our scope are analyzed. The use of compatible formats which guarantee the interaction among systems is an essential requirement in those institutions which use other methods beyond the catalogue. On the other hand, the creation of a digital architecture which permits simultaneous searches in different sort of no homogeneous resources and the navigation among them in a common informative frame, the catalogue, is made clear too. For getting this objective, implementing a metasearcher, a link resolver and a user authentication system for controlling the resources used will be necessary

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