
Las colecciones digitales en la Biblioteca Complutense al servicio de la visibilidad y el impacto de la investigación


In this presentation the Digital Collections of the Complutense Library in open access are described: the Dioscórides Collection with 2.661 books and around 40.000 engravings; the institutional repository "Archivo Institucional E-prints Complutense", according to protocol OAI-PMH, contains nearly 4.000 e-prints of which around 3.600 are thesis and dissertations of the Complutense University of Madrid since 2001 until today. Finally, we have digitized all the articles of the collection of the scientific journals published by the Complutense University (64 titles), that can be searched in the "Portal de Revistas científicas complutenses". Most of the articles, near 22.000, are available in open access. Only some titles have the last issue embargoed

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