
KM, Knowledge Management - 2/3


The greater discover of Knowledge Management is that the SGML standard can be used to manage not only documents but also organization. Practised systems and artifical intelligence, though belonging to the past knowledge technology (that based on DBMS, Data Base Management System), can contribute to the present one (KBMS, Knowledge Base Management System) since they acquire, represent and manage not only data and information, but knowledge too. The key point are Information Retrieval, indexing and digests’ compiling. The news is that the number and the complexity of document to be managed with KM is highly increased. The new task of AI in KM world is that to create and develop commercial products for IR and DB/KM Management Systems, to allow industries to analyze large quantities of information (automated reading, indexing and summaring) and to re-introduce in databases the results of queries and interpretations, to have the real knowledge

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