
Un portale di accesso a riviste elettroniche multidisciplinari per l'Università e la Ricerca scientifica e tecnologica: l'esperienza del consorzio CASPUR con il suo servizio di Emeroteca Virtuale


In this paper the experience by CASPUR with its 'Virtual newspaper and periodical library' is presented, a service that for about four years is been offering access to electronic multidisciplinary titles for a set of users that includes about thirty universities and research centres. In particular the following topics are illustrated: the main characteristics of the infrastructure that is used and was recently revisited with the aim of improving its quality towards end users; the innovative infrastructural solution that was implemented for the servers making the user interface; the parameters that are used for evaluating the quality of the newspaper and periodical library web interface, on the base of the average answer times to end users by the portal. The article ends with a review of ongoing activities that will involve CASPUR, alone or together with academic/scholarly partners in the field of this project

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