
KM-Appunti: 1. Knowledge vs Information


Which is the difference? We can notice two base trends, that lead to as many hypothetical answers: a philosophical-gnosiological trend (Wiig, Goodhall, Mercier-Laurent, Grey, Green, Bellinger, Sveiby) and a behavioural-pragmatic one (Sierhuis, Skyrme, Barr). While the first one sections the term (and the underlying concept) in its components, highlighting the situation or the context, or the purpose of its use, the second one troubles more about deriving from it some instructions for its complete applicability, in order to manage business information-knowledge systems. As always, truth depends on the context, the intentions and the specific cognitive labyrinth. If information is data that made contact with receivers and were correctly decoded & assimilated by them, all the more reason that knowledge isn't something objective, but it depends still more on the being (and obviously on the existence) of the receiver, so it's something very subjective and - in conclusion - very cultural (if not spiritual). Business knowledge systems will have to particularly consider this side, in order to avoid the reduction of the establishment of KM strategies to the purchase of a certain "knowledge"-management system. A KM software accomplishes the tool; KM is created by knowledge managers

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