The paper presents a new method for re-configuration of tasks or a process in an embedded avionics application. The13; proposed algorithm works based on four control parameters: re-configurability Information factor, Schedulability13; Test/TL/UF, Context Adaptability/suitability and Context Flight Safety. The algorithm is data centric and interfaces13; system health as control input and initiation of the re-configuration is only after successful evaluation of the parameter metrics. It enhances the availability and reliability of the system under failed conditions by efficient selection and procedural re-configuration with safe state exit. The advantage of the new approach over the non-configurable systems is the increased availability of flight critical applications under failed conditions. It also preserves the advantages of non-Reconfigurable systems over federated architecture. Invalid failure of control parameter brings the system to safe state. The scheme, algorithm and the control parameters metrics and their validation approach are described. The algorithm is13; novel in terms of dynamic re-configuration compared to existing static avionics architectur